
Buttock Enlargement

Are you curious about the sudden surge in bigger, fuller, and more attractive buttocks among celebrities and socialites?

The trend of Brazilian butt lifts is undeniable and continues to gain momentum. According to the 2015 data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), there was a notable 28% increase in Brazilian butt lifts performed from 2014 to 2015, with buttock enlargement procedures being carried out approximately every 30 minutes of every day!


Dr. Sandy embarked on intensive training and research in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, focusing on the safe and precise execution of the Brazilian butt lift procedure WITHOUT SURGERY! Using only FDA-approved hyaluronic accid (HA) fillers, Dr. Sandy eliminates the need for risky substances such as cement, hydrogel, and silicon, ensuring the highest standards of safety and efficacy.


While buttock enlargement via fat transplantation, has gained popularity for its ability to enhance curves and contours, it’s important to be aware of the associated risks.


One significant risk is fat embolism, where injected fat can enter the bloodstream and potentially block blood vessels in the lungs, leading to serious complications such as respiratory distress and even death. Furthermore, asymmetry or uneven distribution of fat can occur, leading to dissatisfaction with the aesthetic outcome. Skin irregularities, including dimpling or lumpiness, may also develop post-procedure.


Buttock enlargement with hyaluronic acid (HA) filler offers several advantages compared to traditional methods such as fat transplantation or surgical implants:


  1. Non-Surgical: Unlike surgical procedures, buttock enlargement with HA filler is non-invasive, meaning it does not require incisions or anesthesia. This reduces the risk of complications associated with surgery and shortens recovery time. We do give you some medication to ensure you don’t feel any pain during the procedure
  1. Minimal Downtime: Since there are no incisions involved, recovery time is typically shorter compared to surgical procedures. Patients can usually resume their normal activities shortly after the procedure.
  1. Customizable Results: HA fillers allow for precise and customizable augmentation, as the amount of filler injected can be adjusted to achieve the desired volume and shape. This flexibility allows for personalized results tailored to the patient’s aesthetic goals.
  1. Immediate Results: Patients can see immediate improvement in buttock volume and contour following the injection of HA filler. This instant gratification is particularly appealing to those seeking quick results without the long wait associated with fat transplantation, which may take several months to fully settle.
  1. Reversible: In the event of dissatisfaction with the results or unforeseen complications, HA fillers can be dissolved using an enzyme called hyaluronidase. This reversibility provides added peace of mind for patients considering buttock enlargement with fillers.
  1. Lower Risk of Complications: Compared to surgical procedures, buttock enlargement with HA fillers carries a lower risk of complications such as infection, bleeding, and fat embolism. Since the procedure is performed using injectables, there is minimal trauma to surrounding tissues.
  1. No Donor Site Needed: Unlike fat transplantation, which requires harvesting fat from other areas of the body through liposuction, buttock enlargement with HA filler does not necessitate a donor site. This eliminates the need for additional procedures and reduces overall discomfort for the patient.